Today, @seichold (K4SOF) and @turnrye (K0RET) completed maintenance at our downtown Memphis site. This site provides fill-in coverage to downtown users and experimental 2.4 GHz access for users who don’t have line-of-sight to our existing sites (e.g. residents on Mud Island and downtown proper with multipath between buildings). This site is sponsored by AutoZone at their store support center.
The trip was focused on improving the on-network services that are hosted at AutoZone by repairing the weather station and replacing the partially-damaged webcam with a new, higher-definition camera. The camera is accessible on our Blueiris server for users who are interested to watch the M bridge, pyramid, and other parts of the north-facing skyline. The weather station is accessible on Weather Undergrounod, contributing to the PWS network in support of more accurate weather forecasts and hyper-localized realtime weather data for the community.
An exciting new service that we introduced today is an AIS boat tracker, covering a ~20 NM segment of the Mississippi river, the Port of Memphis, and the nearby marinas. This service is accessible through, and our individual station’s statistics are visible here.
As always, HamWAN Memphis Metro is focused on system resiliency. A battery backup was deployed to provide continuinty of power, and this locatino has emergency generator power as well in the case of longer term power outages.

HamWAN Memphis Metro is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit orgnization building an experimental wireless ISP in the greater Memphis area. It is free to use for any licensed amateur radio operator, and with it basic internet and network connectivity is provided. Join us today by dropping by our Slack organization to learn more.
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